I've been working my through the course. it is different than I expected it to be and requires quite a bit of patience than I had anticipated.

I guess I shouldn't have expected profound change and developmental progress to be "quick & easy". Some of the small indications of success (coinicidences and even getting started on or making progress on a few projects that were stagnant) are pretty exciting.

I would like to "get the big picture" of the process. I seem to be unable to see the forest for the trees with the program.

I may have made a mistake by trying to hard to master or at least gain competence in every process before going on to the next CD. Maybe I should have done the Accelerator program first so at least it would be in sub-conscious and then went back for a more detailed study.

Anyway, I'm working through course as best as I can now and plan to start it again as soon as I'm done. Also I'll make a decision today on the Wealth Making weekend so I can get the immediate feedback I seem to thrive on. (I noticed I got a lot more benefit out of taking Photoreading in Georgian Bay, Ontario, than I did with the tape course. Although now the taped course and book seem to be the perfect reviews. Again though, I would really like to go back again and work with Deanna Seagar.) But an overview of when and how to use the various parts and maybe a brief description of their relationship to onew another would be helpful.

Also, I still fall asleep nearly every time I listen. Any more ideas on this would be helpful. Maybe I'm just so overtired any time I can relax, I'm out.

Finally, I noticed something about a week or two ago. I got very confused and almost anxious about something and couldn't put my finger on it. I stopped the course for a little while until it subsided and then went on to the next CD's in the next few days. Interestingly it is also when I decided it was time to try and get some interaction with others in the course and logged on for the first time.

I read something, not sure where now, that said "Crisis always occurs at the curve of change." I was wondering if that had anything to do with my anxiety/confusion.

Thanks for being out there and putting up with my lengthy ramblings. I really want to understand this system and develop my skills in it's use. I think I cold very beneficially pass these tools on to my sons (so they will have an abundance mind set and tools to succeed in life) and my wife.

I also have a team of people who work with me that I would like to incorporate some of this information into their trainings to assist them to succeed. It is obvious from my interactions with them that some of these things would be fantastic at helping them to break through their self-imposed barriers to abundance.