Thanks, I have learned a similar idea for Brian Tracy, thinking on paper, it has really accelerated things in my life.

So if thoughts are things, and I have been thinking wealth and its not showing up, what am I doing wrong. So I played psychologist with myself (that don't sound right), well anyway I dug deep into how I thought to see what counter feelings or thoughts I hold that are preventing money, wealth, and prosperity from manifesting in my life. I realized I do have a strong, I wouldn't really say belief, because I don't believe it, but its a strong feeling of scarcity.

I have been using the Sedona Method to release. Now this should clear some ground room for those "Wealth" thoughts to turn into things. In wanting to intergrate new thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that will make me successfull at attracting money. What would those thoughts, feelings, attitudes be?

Listening to the prosperity paraliminal has given me the idea to pay more attention to this area of my life. How I am creating my current situation, but for someone that wants a new situation, but doesn't know what it consists of, it is making it difficult for me.

Its like wealth is out there in some parallel universe. And maybe its this belief that keeps it away, but I don't believe it as much as I feel it. I am working on changing it.

I would like to find a mental blue print to wealth creation. Abundance seems as thought it might be, but in order to get it, I would have to manifest the money to get it, the I wouldn't need it. A little paradoxical, don't you think?