First, a degree is not a ticket for a job. You attend a university to better yourself. Many universities don't even teach job skills, depending on the curriculum. Besides, most jobs require experience in the field in addition to diplomas, not just diplomas.

Second, have you ever considered the contexts involved in each of the attempts to manifest through visualization?

It would be more helpful, I think, to think about what you *did* and did not do in terms of each context. How much was already available? Were some situations ripe for action while others weren't? Perhaps your visualization simply provided the impetus to movement to seize opportunity where opportunity was available?

Examine each context.
Examine your responses.
Examine your results.

Rinse, wash, repeat. You will have taken action in terms of the results. And here we have the Natural Brilliance Release, Notice, Respond, Witness pattern to help us out.

If you have that course, you might want to use it here.

My advice would be to get less metaphysical and more practical here. Keep doing your manifesting activity if you want. Perhaps there is a connection between how you do it in one context and success vs. how you do it in another and fail. I don't know. But if I were you, I would throw manifesting out of the picture and start looking at what it is possible for me to DO to make things the way I wanted.

Trust in God and tie up your camels, as the saying goes. Have faith, and be extremely practical.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 25, 2004).]