Here's a suggestion --

A lot of times when we focus on big things, we are forgetting something: our ego (that part of us that contains our previous programs and is designed to keep us "safe") isn't ready to accept that yet. It may view great wealth as upsetting the status quo, and will come up with thoughts and unconscious behaviors to thwart your best efforts.

So it's important to keep your eye on the big picture, but start small. Start small enough so that your scarcity belief isn't triggered. Work gradually. I know that in this society, people often don't want to do this, but it's one of the main reasons people don't get what they want.

Since you work as a waiter, set a target for the amount of tips you want to earn in a day. If your best day is $150, then try to make $150 your minimum. Then expand from there -- try $200, then $300, then higher and higher.

Feel what it's like to have it. See it in your hand. And visualize the bills dwindling. Feel the excitement as you pay off your final Visa bill!

And when you're ready to open your new restaurant, I'd like an invitation, please.