Tommarow I will start my 3 week, 1 hour each day Underwater breathing techniques.
1. To Increase My Intelegence
2. To streathin my awarness
3. Make chest 1 inch bigger a week (lol)
4. Build Self Confidence

For the next 21 days I will be waking up at 5am to go into a pool, and spending 1 hour underwater each day. After the swim which should become less time consuming each day (because i will be able to stay under water for longer, and have faster recovery time.)I will listen to "Self-Esteem SuperCharger" . I hope this will make a huge impact on my life. So if anybody has any suggestions or comments I ask you to please share. Thank you very much.


P.S- If any body else is inclinded to start this program or has completed it, please let me know so we can share our expirences.