Here is EXACT wording from the promotional material. . .

"The secrets to having the things you want miraculously appear"

Doesn't this exact verbage encourage and claims that sound remarkably like magical thinking????

"Call it supercharged serendipity, even blessed luck. It is when things go your way and all you can do is shout to the heavens, "Thank you!"

We figured out how to bottle it!"

Doesn't this promise that somehow if you buy this couse that magical things will happen?????

"If you want that magical "stuff" to happen in your life..."

"If you want abundance flowing all around you... then"

Doesn't this promotional material make it sound like all you need to do is buy the course and find out how to complete transform your life?????????

This course does have valuable things to offer. . .but certainly not the extent as "advertised". If this is what marketing is, then I guess I don't hawk my wares loudly or extravagently enough.

Sometimes there are limitations, sometimes dead ends. . .this is a fact of life. Success is always a combination of luck, talent, hard work, perseverance etc., etc.,

I've gotten 6 "abundance for life" emails thus far, still hawking the same goods, and making the same promises. I don't usually respond to forums or emails, but after 6 emails from Learning Strategies Corp, I felt I had to express my opinion.

The promotional supports and encourages magical thinking, it doesn't encourage reality checks.
