
Here is a simple statement you can make to yourself whenever you experience some thing or some feeling that you don't want. It truly works if you are persistant and trust in it. Just say: "This too shall pass". Then put the feeling out of your mind and go on to your next activity.

Pretty soon, you will notice that what used to bother you, no longer does. Always look for the best in every person, event and every situation...it IS there. So far, you may not have been looking for and expecting the best, but instead, may have been expecting only the worst, the most painful. And guess what you got?

Someone else here has said in other words, put your energy into what you want, not what you don't want. Use your WILL power, not your won't power.

You are a worthy person and deserve the best and pay no attention to your inner talk that says you can't have what you want. Just keep repeating "This too shall pass". Breathe deeply.

Be calm and realize the universe wants you to be loved and loving. Nothing less will do! You are taking steps to ensure you get a lot more out of life. Good for you!

Love and hugs,
