I have just begun working with AFL program, however I have been aware of and working with universal principles of creation for many years and seeking to change patterns of lack and limitation in my own consciousness as well as working with others.

In the past several days I have been aware (again) of a repeating pattern of having less income than I need to meet expenses and live in the way that I desire. I have cut expenses by moving to a smaller place, however I have increased debt. I see the pattern, I know in being aware of it I can also change it, however I feel paralyzed by the seeming entrenched nature of this pattern that continues even when circumstances change - like something is stuck to me and I can't get rid of it.
I will continue to work with the Feeling Exercise and Inquiry process - they just seem so laborious when I need IMMEDIATE results!

I am open to hearing from others who have worked with this program - stories of success and breakthrough - encouragement greatly appreciated.
blessings to all