Originally posted by AlexK:
Yes, some sort of debriefing is necessary. Otherwise you're only daydreaming.


Well it's really strange, because I can't find Win Wenger saying it anywhere on winwenger.com or in the "The Einstein Factor". And it really frustrates me. I've downloaded the 19 pages on Image Streaming on his webpage and NOWHERE it says that debriefing is necessary. It sounds like that just I-S'ing for fun is ok (and it will increase your IQ aswell). Then suddenly on one of the last pages he writes "understanding the images" (headline) - but he doesnt say why you have to do it.

He also published a "step-by-step instructions" on his webpage and suddenly asking yourself a question (where did that come from?) and debriefing is mentioned. But in his book "The Einstein Factor" the word debriefing does not appear in the index. Why did he not make a plan to follow (and I am not talking about HTT) Please help, I believe I am going nuts here. Why is it that I've never stumbled upon it before ? I've been delaying my I-S for 2 days now because I'm afraid I've been doing it wrong for 3 weeks as I've used it 20-30 minutes every day. What a waste of time if I've just been daydreaming...

BTW, where or when does the actual IQ increase take place? Is it when debriefing? And can someone tell me where to look and give me some simple instructions? What do I've to do if I want IQ increase (which is what Wenger claims) ??

Thank you, hope you understand my problems