My experience with working with the type of income you are descibing is that if you are not disciplined and have weak plans for the money it seems to just evaporate.

Money needs a direction. It is a form of energy and can be harnessed and put to work or it can just get up and walk away.

By having good solid financial plans you can direct the money flow to benefit you.

Getting a large inflow of money is just as big a shock to your system as going completely broke and losing everything.

It is a skill you must develope like anything else.

If you focus on what you would use the money for, like a new home or schooling or tangible things then sometimes you can shortcut the process and even get the samething for a much less cost.

If you have excess money then find a job for it. Donate some to worthwhile charities or non-profits.

The bottom line is; make sure that what you aspire to is going to make you happy and you will enjoy doing it your whole life. If you do this little thing, no matter how much money you make or how little, your love is so great you would do it for free. This part will give you a long healthy life and much success.

Money and things are just that. Happiness is the true wealth.