Howzit chillowack;

You know my only complaint with AFL is the term "congruent communication".

I have to look it up in the dictionary every time I see it. It's not a common term. So of course when you said "it seems incongruous" it caught my attention.(not that dang word again!)

Many of the people that participate here do many programs by LSC and others as well. They are always willing to help.

Now I do not make a habit out of following AFL protocol in my everyday life although when things really matter to me in the achievement of things that are important I do use all the tools in this course and the Paraliminals to make it happen.

Personally I would love to live on a beach watching the sunrise and sunset with no worries, although for some unknown reason my life doesn't work that way... Well OK, maybe for half of the year it does.

What do you want to know from people who enjoy what they are doing everyday using what they learned from AFL?
