Hi everyone,
Would really appreciate any input you guys and gals may have regarding which goal to choose as my next goal.
I currently work at a place where I have mixed feelings in terms of job satisfaction:
I teach at a high school in the city.
There are some aspects of my job and perks : I currently enjoy:
interaction with students,
regular time with family (evenings and school vacations)
steady income
There are also some aspects of my job I don’t really enjoy:
Managing challenging students
Early start to school day ( 7:20 am each morning)
Heavy marking load.
And the list goes on.

I have considered leaving my current employment a few times but am always stumped:
What should I go?
I have perused various career switching books but am stumped how I should proceed: there are only possibilities and possibilities but how to proceed?

I don’t even know what kind of goal should I set for AFL in this area.
Should it be for creating fulfillment and job satisfaction where I already am?
(eg. I choose to create deeply fulfilling work experiences at xxx school that I will eagerly look forward to work every morning, be deeply engaged in doing this work, and enjoy free time each day I can spend by myself and with my family.- a goal that sounds great but I’m not sure I want to stay in teaching forever…)
Or should I be setting goals that would get me out of my current industry into something totally new?
(eg. I allow myself to successfully create a career in x industry by getting a job that fully supports my current financial goals/objectives (family needs, bi-annual holidays, extras, savings for investment for retirement) by end of year 2006.
I’m not even sure which industry or job I should change to…I have a passion for training and helping others and am wondering what else I can be doing with my God-given gifts?
The last time I tried to incorporate into one goal a single statement that included both staying on in my current job and perhaps moving on to something new (it seemed to pull me in different directions.)
Where to begin guys? If I set a goal for staying on at my current job, would that not limit my access to abundance? (is there something better out there that I should be doing?…)
If I set a goal for a job shift, then to what job/industry? How do I create when I don’t know enough about xyz industries/jobs to make a good decision to even set a goal to transit into that job/industry?
Any advice would be much appreciated…