For the sake of an example lets say there are no more worker ants for McDonald’s - would that be truly awful ? - LOL . We might have to cook nutritious meals at home - but with enlightenment we would find pure joy in doing that for ourselves? But then there would be people who love to cook and would maybe open up a restaurant and we would pay them what it is worth to not have to cook at home?

Maybe with an ALL enlightened world we would not need worker ants for those low jobs as these low jobs would be obsolete?

If there were no low menial workers, then man would simply invent another way. PERIOD - it always happens - man is always devising a better more efficient way that requires fewer low paying menial jobs. Just look at history.

As you can see, I'm going way beyond just more money for more leisure life and things. In my opinion if every one was enlightened then you’re right - it WOULD be a truly different world - a world I cannot really get a grasp of as I just don't know but I choose to believe that it would be better - much better - not an awful collapse into nothingness or chaos and neediness.

Just so you know: I’m not trying to bash you as I do truly see where your coming from - My brain can do the same thing - in fact I do it quite often - run myself in circles with logical “arguments” BUT I am trying to help you see that you have to choose to want to change and get out of your own way.

& For the sake of baby steps so to speak: If you choose to see it simply as another trance - then which trance would you rather be in ????

Love and light,