
Regarding the "herd mentality" and "the same old rut", it occurred to me that operations like LSC (and society as a whole) could not exist without a vast support base of people who are all entranced.

Who says that "operations like LSC" needs to exist if everyone had the skills to manifest whatever they wanted out of thin air. The people of LSC would continue to manifest their desires in other ways... just like everyone else they would be manifesting what they need out of thin air too. Aright their egos might not get stoked from watching people they help succeed. We have ways to manifest that too when we manifest all that we need and desire.

magine what would happen if EVERYONE all of a sudden bought into the abundance mentality and expected the universe to instantaneously manifest their every desire, need, want without effort. Then, NO ONE would go to work at "the same old rut", and modern society as we know it would collapse overnight.

Not everyone who "buys into the abundance mentality quits work." The majority find ways of being more productive doing what they like. If you look closely those who have moved into the abundance mentality play more at their "work" We don't call it work anymore it is something we do for the sheer joy of it.

Abundance isn't only money. It is being able to appreciate what life has to offer. Permitting yourself to feel and express your joy as you go about your "work". You can feel rich standing on a beach watching a golden sunset and children build water channels racing against the waves. And all you have is one penny in your pocket.

In that moment you don't need the penny sitting in your pocket or even the $10,000,000 in the bank . They are just numbers waiting for a turn to play a role of energy transaction when the time is right. Such a transaction can take two minutes in a day for the other 1438 minutes of this day it means nothing.

So what is "Abundance Mentality " ?

Those who have it enjoy their lives a lot more and they can even enjoy their lives when they ask, "Do you want Fries with that?"
