Originally posted by Alex K. Viefhaus:

Abundance isn't only money. It is being able to appreciate what life has to offer. Permitting yourself to feel and express your joy as you go about your "work". You can feel rich standing on a beach watching a golden sunset and children build water channels racing against the waves. And all you have is one penny in your pocket.

Believe me, those magical moments happen 1000x1000 times more often to those with only one penny to their net-worth statement, than those who have a few Mils+ in their banks. And the former didn't have to dish out 52,500 red pennies to realize it.

AH - I just had an ah-ha moment ... I suddenly realized why AFL is priced out of the reach of the vast majority of the population, so that only the rich can afford it! The reason is because the REAL target of the AFL program is those who are already miserably rich, who can't find happiness in all their dough. They have to pay to learn what the poor already know naturally!