Sometimes you need to just trust your intuition and not over question it, either.

I was in a GREAT job that I LOVED, but had a gut feeling it wasn't going to last long.

Rather than wait until the company I was involved with went out of business, I did the unthinkable and QUIT so could be proactive in creating a new opportunity for myself rather than waiting for the shoe to drop.

I even told my co-workers my intuition, and even though they stayed, they started to think about their options, too.

Suffice it to say that I have now been working for myself for 3 years and earning part-time from home more than I earned full-time.

The company DID go out of business about 8 months after I left. My co-workers, because I had let them in on my reasons for leaving had already decided what they would do should my intuition prove correct, and were OK when the company closed its doors.

If you can't trust your own intuition, who CAN you trust? Sometimes it is more aware of things than our conscious minds, which are too busy with day-to-day stuff to see everything that's going on around us.