Hello everyone,
I have here something interesting for you all to read, and in doing so we will read more of other peoples own experiences to inspire eachother and lift eachother, learn and grow from one another to where we want to be.

One of my goals is to get extra cash flow, about 3 weeks, my mate who I live with, well his girlfriends older sister is married to this guy who has his own business, maintenance business.
They mainly do all the maintenance work for all the army bases in sydney. Anyhow he ask my mate if I wanted to do a couple of jobs for him, coz my mate had told him awhile back that I was a concretor.
After doing two jobs for him, on the third job, we were just talking and he said out of nowhere; we never used to get any concreting jobs here for the past 5 years we've been doing work for the Army bases, he said that it was quite strange for him.
Straight away I said to him; dont worry I'll be getting more phone calls of you for more concreting jobs, he said for sure ill call you.

Heres my funny experience, just as I said that to him, i realized consciously what was happening. I didnt think anything of it when he first called me and it wasnt till that conversation we had that I realised.

Now had I have told someone else this story they whould say that it was just a coincident,that I was lucky, wouldnt you agree? But we all know theres no such thing, right?
At that moment I felt very light, had this amazing feeling inside of me knowing that I made this possible.
So now he rings me once a week for a job to do. going tomorrow to do the forth one for him and he said theres alot more jobs that they've given him.
Each job I do for him I charge him $300Aus, so theres an extra 300 for me for the week, its not much but its alot. if you know what I mean

Take care

[This message has been edited by liuaki_F (edited March 31, 2006).]