hi, I just registered here and this is my first message/reply.
In regards to what you said about how if we did in fact come in contact with beings from affar, we'd want to clean up the earth, and mend all quarrels among man kind.
I think though that you are thinking somewaht altruistically and unrealistically. Allow me to explain. And ass you said to whom ever it was you were writing to that you meant no direspect and no flaming, I must say the sae to you, I simply have a different yet no more correct opinion than you.
You have said that discovering beings form another planter or solar system would make us al want to erase all the hatred from our past and unite as one race and religion in harmony. I don't claim to be a clergyman, or certified philosopher (an amature like yourself perhaps) but in my humble opinion, our numerous religions, faiths, races and cultures may prove to be our downfall. If we were to come in contact with "aliens", it would be our conflicting theological ad cultural views which would stop us from coming together harmonically. We would all be so caught up in our own conceptions of the event that we would probably not even think about uniting, we would all be wanting to greet comunicate and educate these new comers to our own respective cultures and religions that unity would probaly be simply a dream of the past.
Again, I don't mean to discredit you opinion at all, in fact you may be correct, but I just happen to have some different views on the subject.