If there are aliens out there, who's to say that they would want to find us?
For an alien to be able to traverse the enormous distance to our planet, their technology is obviously superior to our own. If they have developed so technologically, then it's likely that their minds have also evolved at a similar rate, their sense of good and evil.
At present, we are in a position to destroy mankind if we wished. We have the weapons to do this. Why have we amassed so much destructive material? Maybe because, living in our own communities, we are scared of other communities taking over and vice versa. So here we are, all of our nations, some ready to defend, others, brutal and ready to attack. What kind of person thinks that all this is necessary? I'm sure these aliens don't otherwise I doubt that they would have made it to seeing us.
So are we being visited by extraterrestrials or not? In fact, what are aliens? Maybe, once, aliens were like us, struggling to evolve their minds in the name of peace and harmony. If hate and destruction were on their minds, how could they have survived till their age of interstella travel?