I relate to this a lot. I am left handed, was a gifted child, took music as my major and am a computer/E-commerce consultant.
I have invented a few dozen inventions, written hundreds of songs and compositions, written stories, screenplay ideas etc. Most of these have never been finished. I have never held a job (I'm 43) for over 2 years, and that was a part time teaching position at a junior college.
I've started several businesses and made a go at some, but never took them to the level that I could retire.

I have studied the teachings of Jesus, and believe that a person must come to the end of self to tune into the 5th dimension; the spiritual world. Once we've given up trying to be the savior, we can ask the true savior what to do.
It is much easier to be an employee, or slave, than a god. Our society offers us so many choices, we can bog down with the possibilities. Prioritizing helps; but if we are in it for "self" the prioritizing is much harder, because the truth is apart from God we don't know what we want, except momentary carnal impulses like food, sex, drugs etc.
I found peace in serving others, for until I could love my neighbor as myself, I couldn't love myself. When we spend a lot of time helping others we are enriched, and our direction is clearere, plus we don't have so much time to waste on "what I want", so we use it more wisely.