Remote Viewing is just the military's terminology i think.

Psychics have been doing this forever. I lived in India & even ordinary people do this. They probably will do less of it thanks to more phones becoming available. I was constantly around people who knew where people were & what they were doing w/o any communication whatsoever. I once went w/ Vijjaya thinking we were going to some particular place & we ended up in a totally different place where people were waiting for her. NONE of them had communicated in any manner. They looked at me like --huh?

With our mass & efficient communication setup, we have lost the natural ability to "know."

I am getting more in touch w/ my intuition & amazing things are happening. AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO LEARNING STRATEGIES! Honestly, it really is. PhRing taught me i really am divine at an experiential level. It totally changed my life. Thanks, Paul!

Has anyone had significant successes with any form of Remote Viewing? If so, what specifically did you experience