How are you coming w/ it?

I've just read it in the GC manual and i've been doing it for awhile now in a manner of speaking. I keep my questions and tape recorder handy and try to do one a day.

The very first thing i ever saw on intuition was for free on the web. It said to write out a question or problem. Next, walk around and pick up 3 objects. Arrange them in front of you. Write what comes to mind for each object. 1st= the problem; 2nd= your fears w/ regard to it; 3rd= the solution. I still use this off/on successfully.

My sandwich for High Think Tank is: alpha bw, Magic Mirrors, MMing, analograffiti and then back to alpha if needed.

If i don't get an answer that suits me, i just put the 3X5 back into the pile.

Green/white is a bit much for me. I think i almost do that via the anaolgraffiti. The ability to sink into alpha and bounce back to beta is very important. I practice this. Anna Wise in The High Performance Mind helped me out here. Getting a key and then bringing it back up to beta is a big help.

Also i have anchored the alpha brain wave and processing intuition in a detached and accurate manner via Silva 3-finger(for alpha), and for intuition, i cross my ring finger over my little finger. "When i cross my ring finger over my little finger, i immediately process intuitive guidance in a detached and accurate manner." I also make it a point to just soft gaze if i'm doing it w/ my eyes open. Noone needs to see my hand so it's nice. A deep breath, sofe gaze, 3-f, ring finger over pinky & i'm ready... We're talking about 3-5 seconds worth of time.

For me, NB had great info on anchoring.