Brian, I'm surprised that with all the other stuff you've tried you've never spent any time in a floatation tank. Believe me, you must. Every time I finish a float I wonder how floating for an hour in salt water deprived of all sensory feeling can cause such a profoundly relaxing condition. Things that would normally wind me up in a moment just don't seem to matter. A totally relaxing and rejuvanating experience.

I've never tried a small individual tank, I use a place that has small floatation rooms. They're about 8 feet by 6 feet and tall enough to stand up in. This means once you've stopped the water moving about you're unlikely to have any part of your body touch the sides. Having said that I'm sure individual tank produce great results as well.

On one occasion some 14 hours after the float I used a L/S machine on my usual program and got far superior results. Maybe the float allows the senses to become more receptive to stimulation. Maybe this proves that being more relaxed DOES give better results. Until writing this I hadn't made that association.

Brian, over the last couple of months your posts have encouraged me to try new things. I'm now a regular consumer of Wheatgrass juice, the owner of a rebounder and the proud and almost constant user of the Brain Wave Generator. I hope this encourages you to seek out a floatation tank an give it a go.