My 2 cents worth...
I have been recently researching the net on the concepts of Zen and such... I am amazed at how much the Star Wars Universe models this mindset... (Brian649 made a reference to THE MATRIX; same thing here...)
Jedi Masters often advise their padawans to "Let Go." and to "FEEL the Force." Back throughout time it seems many people, considered wise, have all come to the conclusion that to obtain the optimal performance one must "let go" of the willfull (or conscious effort)need to have optimal performance. In the martial arts it is a farily well understood fact (or so I'm told) that you can not consciously fight succesfully 100% of the time... in order to be succesfull it must happen without effort... "Sharpness without effort", automaticlly... somthing can't happen automatically AND be conciously controlled at the SAME time.
Consider the Stereogram... using divergent vision, one can (possibly) "see" an image within the image. BUT if when you start to make out the "hidden" image, you then try to conciously FORCE it into focus (ie. you let your eyes focus on the surface.)The image disappears... to see the image correctly, you must "LET GO" and let the image just happen. (how very ZEN).
In order to achieve the optimum results one must leave their "comfort zone"... It can be a difficult thing to just let go... and not be in controll... but consider this... what takes more control... to hold a powerfull reign on your self... or to "let go" even though it feels strange and isn't comfortable... utilize that need to control by controling your need to control...
If any of that makes sense to anyone else please raise your hands now... cause it was pretty much stream of consiousness for me...8) 8)