Couldn't agree more, Mike. Hey guys, if you're a poor student or whatever, do some work on attaining is called "prosperity consciousness." Theft is very detrimental to that, it is both a symptom of, and produces, a lack mentality. Never steal ANYTHING! Please understand this, it is so important!

While it may not be a goal that EVERYONE on this board holds, I know that many want to increase their financial abundance. I have suffered from extreme lack mentality all my life, I have been poorer than most and messed up BIG financially. I'm still in heavy debt, working hard to make ends meet. I have also stolen things. Committed crimes that could have put me in jail. And I do understand that some people feel they need to steal. I was so poor that I stole toilet paper from the pub where I had been a very good customer for a while. I don't think it hurt the pub much. They're still in business. It hurt me more, although I did not understand it at the time. You have people living on the street who eat other people's garbage and steal just to survive, not knowing where the next meal is coming from. Can I critisize them for that? No. I can only try to help. I was helped myself, and owe something back to the universe for that. Get out of the victim mentality. Get out of the lack mentality, and help others at the same time. This is a rich world, I know no other place more abundant than this. There is enough to go around. Start giving a small percentage of your income to a good cause, if you are not doing it already. It will help YOU. For example, help build a school in a third world country. It will benefit us all. Europe and the US are now suffering from having stolen from Africa to build their own economies. It is my sincere belief that if Africa instead had been helped to build their own economies and provide education for its people, the AIDS epidemic could have been avoided. In South Africa many men still believe that raping a virgin will cure AIDS. This is a problem that belongs to us all. So is the deforestation of the Amazon, brought on by rich countries' exploitation of a third world country. Ok, you may say I'm digressing here, but my point is that by helping others you help yourself in more than one way. What goes around really does tend to come around.
I will post a list of resources here later that have helped myself and others in increasing our financial abundance. Some of the things they have taught me might seem hilarious at first. Bull****, you may say. I certainly did. But in my desperation to change my life for the better I was willing to try just about anything, and I'm reaping the rewards even if I'm still very far from being what you would call rich. For me it's a loooong journey! But I make more and more money every month now, so I guess I'm doing something right.
If you are a poor student, become a wealthy student. I know of students who make ALOT of money doing network marketing on the side. If you find the concept of network marketing unappealing, you may choose to have a closer look at it, and if you still don't like it, find another opportunity to help you financially. There are many. As for me, I handed in my resignation at work two days ago to do network marketing full time. It can be a great opportunity if you get with the right company and the right people and take LOTS of action. It's not easy. It's hard. It's not for everyone, and for a long time it did not seem like it was meant for me either.
Please don't see this as an effort to recruit people to my business. It's just a tip. If network marketing interests you, have a look around in your local area, and read a book like Richard Poe's Wave 4 to help you decide if this is something for you, and what company and what people you should work with. Just a tip.
Best of luck, Xiaosam. From reading many of your posts here on this forum, I can see no reason why you should keep on being a poor student. Study hard, though. I wish had done that when I had the opportunity. Things would have been much easier now. But hey, yesterday ended last night.
