Originally posted by Grant:

I find God's intervention in my life very personal and very meaningful because it is very personal.

I guess that's the difference between me. I'm an entheist, but at heart it's little different than being a deist or atheist. I find my own intervention in my life to be the most meaningful, and of course the most personal. I realize I make my own choices, have my own successes or failures, and am guided by my experience and by my choices. Divinity rarely enters into the picture.

Somehow, the idea of God as a cocktail party host who taps me on the shoulder and says, "Kaiden, I have someone you just have to meet!" is a little far fetched.

By taking God out of the picture, the relationships I have aren't based on His criteria of success or failure, by rather by My criteria of learning and consistent improvement.

I've put God in the picture before, and the pictures are uglier that way. It makes every break-up a soul-crushing experience, because I've invested so much into one person. It's like investing an individual with the role of being God's Mission For Me On Earth. No woman can fit that role for me. Now, I'm only concerned with My Mission On Earth For Me, and because I'm the person who sets the parameters, I can adjust as I go along. Failure is setback and/or learning, rather than Exile from Relationship Eden.

One piece of advise most relationship Guru's will tell you is never to rely on another person to make you happy. I apply that to God as well.

I hope this has given you something to think about. I don't want to argue into the face of belief. My goal in life is to have a mind opened with wonder, rather than closed by belief. And because of this, I'll always wonder, and never believe, that I've found the "perfect" woman.