Just go buy the book: The Einstein Factor. I'm sorry to report that up to this point, i've done 3 tapes and have not received any new information.

I would have rather seen LS put some real solid effort into intuition training. For instance, i think the tapes from Anna Wise on The High Performance Mind that i got from The Relaxation Company offer some of the best audio guidance for alpha brainwaves. The set contains 4 tapes, but i only found 2 of them to be useful for me.

Anyone who really attempts to put into practice LS's Natural Brilliance Course and book have all the tools they need to solve problems.

But, if you are someone who has never done any intuition study or training, then GC is a nice start. I started working on my intuition as a result of PhRing and have been working on it ever since. So, w/ GC, i'm not seeing anything new.

What is our goal? To get a solid bridge of techniques that connect our conscious mind w/ our other-than-conscious mind in order to solve problems and help us live our lives in a successful manner. I already have numerous intuition techniques in place, so i do not see GC for me as useful at this time in my life. 3 years ago, probably, i'd be very interested.

But, even GC is not enuff. All intuitives out there offer their particular technique that works for them. Until we find which techniques that work for us, we have to study up on them. Outside of all the books i've PhR at the bookstore, i own a dozen or so as well. I've been layering intuition for the last 3 years.

My problem was this: I could do any technique successfully the first time. After that, i was unable to free myself up to be spontaneous. We are all different w/ our inner obstacles. That was mine.

I said it before and will say it again: I sincerely wish that LS would put their best foot forward and come out w/ a solid, well thought out approach to intuition training that supports their materials. GC is only a small piece of the puzzle. Something in the lines of Euphoria could be worthwhile.