Animefoo and Bubbles,

I have purchased Neil's book, "The Frontal Lobes Supercharge" and it comes with an audio CD featuring the story of founder TD Lingo, and Neil's connection with him. It then goes into an interview with TD Lingo, and ends up with some of Neil's brain-charging, and very sweet jazz/new age music. All in all, a very good introduction, which seems to have no shortage of promising you exciting things if you master this technique.

I have tried the first Amygdala technique and received some very good results. I have more questions on the technique that I am researching, but meanwhile am working my way through the info at TD Lingo's homepage, at

On the CD, Mr. Lingo speaks with evangelical passion, and I believe he has had some sort of transcendental experience. Whether there is a shortcut to this "samadhi" experience or not for others as well remains to be seen. And how long did Lingo have to practice this method until he had his satori? It could be that it took the same amount of time as those who have reported awakening under the tutelage of a guru or Zen master.

Where it comes into play for Photoreading (I am conjecturing here) is that once more circuits are awakened in the brain, you are firing on so many more pistons than before, so you simply have more brain power at your disposal, which would be good for Photoreading, or anything else you have in mind. Meditation is supposed to do this as well, but with the Amygdala technique, it is a little more specific, in that you are targeting a part of the brain and giving it a certain type of energy (trying to make it move forward instead of backward).

The technique is available on both websites, so you don't even have to buy the book, but I think the book is helpful when trying to learn something new. You will have to put a little work into it to see if it pans out for you. I will let you know more as I progress with it.