I believe that if you practice the image streaming sufficiently and over the wall that a sufficiently wide enough connection between your sub concsious and conscious mind will exist and the answers will simply BE THERE.

no seriously.

I've explored for many years the whole ESP/super powers/super mind thing and one conclusion I've come to is this:

When you think of a problem or ask yourself a question your mind presents you with several thoughts. Although I'm not 100% certain yet, it is either the 1st or 2nd thought that is the correct road to go down. NOW, it is important that you hear all the thoughts. Image Streaming and Over the Wall contribute GREATLY to making the thoughts of your subconscious louder. So pay attention to them. All the thoughts after the first few thoughts are what I call 'redundancy thoughts of the synaptic process' Yes long term but it has meaning. Redundant doesn't mean the same but revisited.

Don't dismiss all your thoughts. If you aren't hearing the subconscious mind well enough it might be the redundancy thoughts that have the right answer.

I have some goals in my life and I think about them constantly, especially when I learn something new. The solution to my goals is always clear and as I learn there are new components added to these solutions. I don't know everything I need in order to accomplish these goals yet but I am on my way there.

Point is: Make your subconscious louder and listen to it.