I purchased the Basic Home Study course back in 1998, and had immediate success with it. In fact, I had "sudden wealth syndrome" in regards to my relationships, and blew it big time.

I also have purchased "How To Find, Seduce and Control the Women of Your Dreams." Dispite the mysoginistic sounding title, this is a good guidebook at using sun-sign astrology to determine the kind of person you want to spend your life with, or at least determine how to get into bed with the woman you're interested in. I also purchased the Grapho Deck to learn graphology - it's nice. I have How To Be The Jerk Women Love, which is more about earning respect and priority than it is getting away with being a butthead.

One thing they resell that I would advise against is the HPP tapes. These resemble Paraliminal tapes - however they lack something for me. Straighforward also sells the Attitude Activator as a stand-alone product.