Yes, I would. While the Paraliminal tapes are very good, they are passive listening. The Straightforward products are *active* listening, and require you to do more than just listen. I would advise you to experiement with gesture and posture during the exercises, as it wires the new state more deeply into your neurology when you get the *body* involved as well.

If you can afford it, Natural Brilliance is excellent for examining *why* one falls back into old behaviors. To put it simply, they have a benifit, otherwise you would never have developed them in the first place. Natural Brilliance makes it easier to make a change by getting the cooperation of the conscious and other-than-conscious.

I hate to advice spending large amounts of money, but if you can afford it, I would recommend the Delux Speed Seduction Home Study Course. The course includes the Unstoppable Confidence tapes, as well as a 1 hour telephone consultation with Ross Jeffries. After calling him, (for 15 minutes, because I only had the basic course), I had ended my "dry spell" in under a week. I also got myself back to school and was able to almost double my income. I met my second Fiancee within four months.

[This message has been edited by Kaiden (edited September 11, 2002).]