
I would definetely recommend the UCT's. I received the unstoppable confidence tapes when I purchasd the deluxe home study course and they truly are great. I think that SS has really opened my eyes to new possibilities, not just seducing women, but seducing life. I now have a real understanding of NLP and its priceless, it gets really easy being able to direct the thoughts of people in directions that you want. For example, the other day my gf was in a real bad mood and was so grumpy. If I was in this situation 1 year ago I would have been really ****ed of at her, however through my understanding of NLP, (i.e., naming a state makes it real, describing a state brings it to life) I told her a funny story that happened to me and my friends and suddenly her frame of mind changed (engineered) and she was in a great mood because I made her imagine what it would have been like to have been there and therefore it made her laugh. We went on to have a really great day.

But yes, the unstoppable confidence tapes are great, they really helped me so much, im telling you, I was on fire with ladies up until I got back with my ex.

I would also advise you to try and get a hold the "layguide" if you could, it is also great. It usually sells on e-bay for about $15 or so.

hope this helps,
