The "Beyond Condifence" tapes came in yesterday. My new roomate is a natural at this seductive NLP, but refuses to use it because of he doesn't want to have sex with anyone who -needs- to hear it in order to have sex with him. So far, I've just watched the first tape. It's more or less a restatement of what I learned from Natural Brilliance and Structure of Magic, but it really hammers the concepts home.

My oscilations, however, are increasing because the one curse I have the largest problem dispelling is that I'm seperated from my ex. I think I'm going to use Natural Brilliance to end my desire for her.

One thing I've noted about Natural Brilliance is that it's like an Enhancer for *any* self-improvement mechanism. I think it's because Natural Brilliance is a way of dealing with the *discomfort* that comes from changing and breaking away from the familier. The syngery is awesome.