You know how all intuitive teachers say we are all intuitive? After some research, i understand what this means. The earliest man had a conscious brain wave that is today called DELTA. Today, delta is the brain wave for when we are sleeping (part of the time). Delta is also the brain wave of children from birth to almost 4. You notice how babies eyes are not focused and how little children have imaginary friends? Delta. Earliest man had the ability to very naturally be intuitive and elicit shaman behavior. He needed it to survive in a land w/ many animals much larger and ready to eat him.

Bill Harris on the tape in the Euphoria course, talks about how delta is a transcendental state. I'm not so sure about that, but that comment did make me realize that all of our intuition info comes from that area.

Now Anna Wise in the High Performance Mind uses a certain instrument & she speaks of the awakened mind as the best state to be in. The awakened mind includes all the different brain waves in a pattern. She studied w/ Max Cade in England. I'm fairly sure that intuitive people who are very naturally intuitive have a particular pattern of brain waves. Those of us who develop our intuitive abilities (which are innate b/c we all have delta brain waves) will then move more towards a particular pattern that approximates naturally intuitive people.

Plus, Anna Wise is a good friend of Bill Harris of CRI.

it's very interesting

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited September 17, 2002).]