I've read that piece of info a few times. The High Performance Mind is an important book. I forget the name of the instrument Max Cade developed. I know CRI purchased one from Anna Wise. I've read Eric Jensen's stuff, Jose Silva, Colin Rose. Mostly educational books. Wenger's The Einstein Factor is very informative too. Mainstream stuff. I started out using Paul's bibliography from PhotoReading and Natural Brilliance. Use to buy the books cheap Anything in accelerated learning will deal w/ the brain.

I think it's now common knowledge that our chronological age up to 21 matches the brain wave pattern. Like when children are in elementary, high school and college, their most natural brain wave, alpha, matches their chronological age. That's why it's the ideal time for learning. Try Zepher too for good info.

When a child has something happen to them during the ages of 4-7, that stuff is stored at a theta brain wave pattern. Later on in life that will influence them in ways that possibly limit their striving for success and happiness. Then when they go into, say, therapy, it takes forever to resolve. A faster way to access that "hidden file" is to slow the brain wave down to the same level it happened. Jose Silva was onto this way back in the 1950's. And, today some therapists are using brain wave equipment to take patients to a lower brain wave to assist them in healing.

Historically, the reptilian brain was the first part of the brain to develop and that's where the delta brain wave comes from. Then the mammalian brain developed and i think that has to do w/ the theta brain wave.