See but not all things experience through your senses are what you think they are.
Think about it like this (for example), lets say that everyone in the world had a deadly disease and your the only one that knows about it and you're also the one with advance enough technology to figure what the disease is and a cure for it. You go out to the world and everyone you know telling them that they're all sick and you have a cure for it but they don't believe you because with the technology they have they see it as a flu or something harmless. But because they have flu-like symptoms and think it's nothing, they brush you off. With their low-end technology how can they figure it out? They experience flu-like symptons so they think they know what it is.
Or look at it this way...
Some great people in the past with vision of the future and different ideas were probably called crazy and etc.. The people at that time did not see or understand, thats why they called those great people crazy.
Do you guys understand what I'm trying to say?