Hi Folks,

This is a very interesting discussion. I think I will buy the GC
as well. A few years ago I borrowed "The Einstein Factor" from
a friend and started image streaming. However, I gave up after
a while since raising my intelligence is a fairly wage goal. How will
I measure it and what the use anyway.

However, solving problems finding new undiscovered paths is
a real challenge.
Here is a tech for solving any kind of "problem". The tech belongs
to the first part of the avatar course, Resurfacing.

1) Describe the problem in detail as best as you can.

2) Focus on a thing in front of you and describe it in detail.

3) Refocus on your problem and describe it again in more detail.

4) Focus on a different thing and describe it in detail.

5) Alternate for a few times. New insides, ideas, solutions etc.
should come up.

The purpose of this exercise is to remove the fixed energy from
the problem. A problem can only exist because of the fixt energy.

The same tech can be applied to physical symptoms.
