
I am thinking right now you guys must be fed up with me posting constantly? If I have run up my limit let me know. I do believe sometimes we can overdo things.

I have been reading in personal development books saying that our thoughts create our reality. I was wondering if all of you agree. I am not sure I really do totally agree. I know the people that i have encountered in the past if they thought they could not do something, than they want attempt to try it. I am thinking maybe internal anger could cause arthritis and I am open to that. Also stress can cause some diseases like heart disease and aneurysm and other conditions. I am thinking I do believe in this self fullfilling prophesy to a certain degree like if you think the worst is going to happen than it will. But I also believe that Randy Moss would be a great NFL receiver despite his thoughts and the same with Michael Vick. I am not sure you can make any hard working and ambitious athlete top notch with mental training.

Some of these books like Catherine Ponder's and Lynn Grabhorn's book Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, I feel the views are hard to believe. Like for example, they say if you get into an accident or if you got cancer it is all the results of your thoughts and thinking. Like getting a handicapped child
is the result of your thinking. I mean I have seen a girl get crippled and I dont I was more perfect than her and I did not have this life debilitating condition. They say that if you get a cold or fever, they say it is the result of your thoughts. I am not sure I can really believe that. If it is true than all I got to be to be super healthy is just become an expert in meditation. Like getting a mate who turns out to be bad for you or becomes bad out of the blue is a result of your own thinking.

I am thinking the people who became famous, rock stars, top athletes in the big leagues,big name actors, and billionaires did it as a result of their own thoughts. Like they did not harbor any internal anger, jealously, vengefullness, doubt, fear, nervousnes and bitterness?

The other analogy I was going to say is that they would say if you get like laid off it is the vibration of your energy or your thinking?
