I'm also curious about this. The website has very little information. I read the whole thing looking for some clue as to what the program is about and all it said was "invisible forces." What the heck does that mean? It doesn't even say how much it costs. My guess is that the "five free lessons" terminate in a "limited time offer" to get you to buy it. I know that good things sometimes come with annoying marketing, but if this hadn't been recommended by Certerpointe I probably wouldn't even have bothered to bookmark it. However, since Centerpointe did recommend it and sharonlw seemed pleased with it I would like to find out more. If someone who has used it could post some information on it, I would appreciate it very much. Specifically:

1) What does he mean by "invisible forces" and how do his methods differ from what we may be familiar with?
2) How much does it cost?