I had a few experiences, too. Any of you who watches movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon probabaly knows that we Chinese read many martial art novels where characters can fly, climb walls, and run on water.

On several occasions, I had dreams where I and several of my friends had swords and other Chinese weapons in our hands, and we were walking on a path with tress on both side. It was darkness all around us probably because the concentration of the trees and the leaves were blocking the sun. Or perhaps it was just that it was night time.

Anyway, for some funny reason, whenever I have such dreams, I am always wearing a typical Taiwanese strawhat and white cloth and pant. And it is always at this point, when we were walking along this path that I start to realize that I am dreaming.

I would then decide that it would be faster if I just fly like all those characters from Chinese martial art novels, although I never knew exactly where I was going. So I would start to fly, and sooner or later, I would see a Chinese pavillion situated on a hill. Then that's when I wake up.

Its really weird that I have the same dream over and over again. I wonder if it means anything. Nevertheless, I love it when I am in control of my own dream because it is in dream where I can do things that are impossible in reality.