I'm not one to say I've uncovered complete enlightenment. There's still some occilations and faith issues I need to resolve in my life, however the journey I set on 6 months ago has changed me forever. I've been a christian for years but I always felt that in the USA we have watered down the original word of God. God is universal and I believe Christ was God reaching down to man to reveal his presence in a human form to all mankind.
But I also could not deny that my belief systems were screwed up, I was depressed, there were blocks in my body that were hindering me from my spirit and my true self. Church really just kind told pretty stories and then when everybody leaves they go back to acting stupid again. It's like my walls were breaking down. I'm still a christian but I saw the need to uncover my "gifts" and stop playing this religious game. I started the Sedona Method and I tell you that it is a great foundation to work from. I'm going to start Natural Brilliance soon. I have kind of like all these interests that sum up to the same goal you have. I want to help my fellow man better himself. My interests are Energy Psychology(EFT, BSFF), The Power of Now(you must read this book, it reveals some of the deepest roots of all mankinds suffering, has changed me for the better.), sedona method, and I plan to start using a Lucid Dreaming device along with using LD techniques to practice sports and crazy stunts while I sleep, Buddhism(Thich Naht Hahn, and ZEN studies), Awareness in everything(this is the ultimate meditation), and I plan to start using Vantage Quest, Awadened minds, and Biocharge CD's. These CD's are more advanced than binural beats and have versitile uses in meditation, plus some martial arts.
Lastly but most important of all friend I must say the bible. I know it's a symbol of hypocrisy, bigotry, and box thinking here in this country but if you are willing to see past organized religion and realize that the 10 commandments really are a harmonious way to live in the universe, and the love and message of Christ is so simple and beautiful, plus all the wonderful miracles that happen all over the world that surpass what any of "man's own" healing modalities could ever achieve. I'm am a follower of Christ not necessarily a "christian", thats just a label, for me it's much deeper. I don't however seen anything wrong with developing my mind, body, and my ability to filter my human perceptions that blind me to my spirit at times. I do these things to reach my true self, but ultimately I allow my Creator to guide my paths and keep me grounded so that I can use my abilities to reach people, help them, and help them find the peace within them self and know that God loves them.