Henry :

Hi ! If you read the product page of mlf da babe on www.xtrememind.com , you'll notice that I did say that you will need "trench tools". As joey put it quite succintly "you will still have to close it". But with a new attitude implanted by da Babe, closing should be a snap. If you want to be totally sure, couple MLF with trench tool kits like Speed Seduction, MSM or the stuff you can find at www.fastseduction.com . Mastery of those, plus the internal power brought by MLF da Babe will make success very certain.

Da Babe 2.0 has too many features which, of course by business nature, I didnt include in the freeware. For one, 2.0 includes precision-DHE techniques while the freeware includes the original "generic magnet" technique. Lets just say, between 1.0 and 2.0 is the time when I learned how to apply DHE...and a lot of other things.

Be well dudes.
