Hello babayada

"A Rabbi, a Catholic priest, and a Polish man walk into a bar.
The bartender looks at them and says, "Not you guys again...."

When you gave this responce, How did you come to the conclusion, that, that was the responce, to give, unlike, our friend.

"Iam2" who gave an more delightful responce.

The social gathering spot involving alcohol.
You question about the statement brings up the image of man sitting on the ground with a bump on his forehead.

"You see, the thing with lAnguage, is it caN be used in very felixible ways, anD if you PAY attention, in just the "right" ways, No body "Noes" just how much of the surfase you CAN scratch, if you, noses what I mean, now you might think that I might be "rubbing" your nose init, yet If you just think what you want to, do with language, then, there, is ways and means, to create, all kinds of good learning."

Now you might have got an hurg to scratch, or rubb your nose, if you did then you have just been hypnotised, and if you did't, then you made the right choice for you.

All language is hypnosis, and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Your already a genius.