
From what you are writing I get the impression that you are in a kind of deep hole or to say it differently you seem to be
stuck in an upset. That may have happened many years ago or just a few years ago.

Anyway, in such a situation goal setting is
not on the agenda. Survival is!!
Also Holosync will certainly help if you stay long enough on the program and go through the deeper levels it may take a few
years before you can see an improvement.

That's far to long if one is stuck in a bad situation.

There are other much faster ways to get out of such a rut. Once you have resolved that
problem you can do Sedona or H/S much easier.

I know I have been in such a rut about eight
years ago before I discovered H/S. So the H/S is not a big problem for me but I too
have my overwhelms but can handle them easily.