I'm new to your board and I found it when I did an internet search looking for info on Holosync. Like king411, my experience with the tapes, cds in my case, wasn't very good. I've only been using the tapes for about 4 months but I've experience major upheaval and discomfort. I'm told by the tele-counselor at Centerpointe that this reaction is normal and I should continue the program and I'll begin to reap the benefits. At this point I'm very skeptical and quite frankly, reluctant to continue. I have to function in daily life and I've had days when I couldn't. I purchased the program for many of the same reasons that most do, looking for peace of mind, spiritual growth, healing of old wounds but I've found none of the above. Maybe holosync is the right path for some but I'm finding that it isn't for me.