Check out the end of this interview.

This is very old news for some and was referenced earlier.

Entraining certain brainwaves and brain synchrony for extended periods of time every day might not be so healthy after all.

I was listening to Mind Wide Open by Steven Johnson and, interestingly enough, neurofeedback training to create a good state of attention for various mental tasks includes LOWERING the theta brain wave. Implied or outright stated (I don't exactly remember) is that the theta brainwave is associated with ADD type states. I found that fascinating because everyone was so pumped up over the theta brainwave. Entraining it everyday, however, seems to lead to a more scatterbrained state overall.

Who knows what delta entrainment over long periods of time may actually be doing to the brain?

Perhaps Harris's theory is less than half-baked? Maybe it isn't causing issues to be worked out but rather putting the brain into a state where these sorts of feelings of conflict and overwhelm are the natural response?

This could account for a lot of stuff that goes on regarding holosync. It may actually put your brain into a funk. Some people learn how to deal with it and thus are able to deal better with the other general funky states in life, while others are simply damaged by it. Just musing upon this.

But, anyway, forcing the brain into a state for prolonged periods of time each day may not be beneficial.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited January 20, 2005).]