Thanks Alex. My reference of "supporting data" was referring to Bill Harris' outragious claims of the benifits of Holosync CD's, not about the potential benifits of brainwave entrainment, and I am in agreement with you on your view that the data about the health benifits (or not) on entrainment will come later, but I also maintain that Bill Harris' claims about the unproven effects on his commercial products are irresponsible and should be considered a FRAUD!

Babayada, yes, I have used Hemi-sync, Holosync, Insights, and my homemade GWGEN cds. I like the calming effects of Holosync's rian chimes, and I have been meditating for many years. The natural sound of rain by itself can be calming, personally I have not experienced any "meditation like state" induced by brainwave entrainment products, except for the calmness, which I also get from listening to pure natural sounds cds without brainwave entrainment encoding. Beliefs has a lot to do with the outcome, I gather those who believe in Bill Harris' claims are naturally more likely to create the perceived outcomes they expect. You know sometimes you see people being con-ed and manipulated by sharks you just feel sorry for them and want to do something to help, that's all it is. peace!