Dear 411,
I,ve read your comments on this forum and one of the first things that strikes me is very simply this. For over 30 years I've studied and applied every type of selfhelp I could find. I've gone through the tedious process of finding what worked best and what didn't. Over time, and with much note taking, I started seeing absolute similarities within the processes that got results. Then I started comparing the best processes in an effort to distill the essence of what made them work. The bottom line, after all this work, is that your mind creates your life experience. Next, the most important rule is that the life experience you create will depend ONLY upon what you are focusing your mind on. Every thought is energy directed to create something. If you are focusing on the negative aspects of your life then you are really just reinforcing these aspects. If you want to get rid of these aspects you must start focusing on what you want - NOT what you don't want. Now, it's true that if you've created a mess in your life you must clean it up - but do not put any more emotional energy into it. Even pursueing various methods of selfhelp is acknowledging that you have problems you cannot solve by working with your own mind/thinking. This in itself will continue to reinforce the belief you have that you have problems. The only way out is by taking the time and conscious awareness to create more empowering beliefs to replace the negative/fearful beliefs. It takes time but if done consistently, only a fraction of the time it took to get you where you are now. There are no quick fixes. It has been your own thought patterns which have brought you to your present point, and the results are clearly evident. Using the same process in a positive way will also bring positive results. Consider that you did not need any type of program to create the negative results in your life, so why should you require one to get positive results? Just do what you've been doing with your mind all along but in a positive way. It is all about the thoughts you ALLOW yourself to keep thinking which makes all the difference. It is not complicated - the simplest most direct methods always work the best. The key is to apply the methods consistently.