
Thanks for sharing your experience. You have mentioned that you do not recommend
hs for those with deep-rooted problems.

That was the main reason why I started hs namely to clear out those deep rooted problems/causes which are hard to get through other techs. So far it is working fine
for me. I am currently on P3./ 0.3 and have never skipped a level or immersion level.

*******Hi Frodo02

I guess what I really meant with regards to 'deep problems' was when there may be serious so called pathology.

Sometimes, if there are situations/emotional states that can be labelled with names for the sake of diagnosis and communication, that if they surface without supervision can tip people over the edge. This is possible with hypnosis as well.

Also, there is in my opinion a psycho-physical-dynamic plane within all problems, and where there is an emotional disturbance of a particular kind there will also be a corresponding organ affected. In my line of work, it has become obvious that not all organisms can handle the 'healing crisis' as easily as others, and some expire in the process - thankfully none of my clients so far :-)

I know this sounds serious, and it is, in some cases.
When I hear someone complain that they have tried everything for years and years to help them, and nothing has helped, this indicates to me that they need intervention from someone who may be able to find what the block is. Holosync is great for my problems, and for most of the people I know who use it, but there is one client I have, who has a diagnosable delusional disorder, who has not benefited as he would like. I have had to treat him concomitantly homoeopathically and psychotherapeutically in order to uncover the blocks. This is not easy in some conditions.

This does not mean that someone in his postion will not benefit from Holosync, but the progress is not as satisfying ---- maybe it is part of their condition that prevents the benefits from being evident? or they have expectations that are not within the realms possible from the program.
It is not a magic bullit as you know --- and if you are at P.3 you would have some 'tales' to tell on insights and experiences whilst using.

It is a complex situation --- none of us are the same. Each of us has a past that has created the present. Sometimes, just putting headphones on and doing the program is not enough. In these instances i would recommend as I have mentioned, that soemone get help from a professional of some kind.

I had a client just now who would not be able to handle any more input into her problems, and in her case, Holosync could push her into the abyss. I can do the work with her on becoming conscious and uncovering the core issues, and maybe when her threshold is a little higher she could be introduced to the program.

Just a few thoughts

