
I realized after posting my thread that you might have had those clinical cases in mind.

I agree that those people should ask their
Doc before entering such a program. I think
there is something written about this when we ordered Awakening Level 1.

By the way until the end of 1995 consulted a classic homeopath. I was his patient for ten years visiting nearly every month. The result was tremendous. Also I did not have any serious disaeses I beame very fit. I don't even get strong colds anymore. I told him that he was my health insurance. The costs for the treatment very very reasonable
actually less then a health insurance.

At that time I was also doing some tech in the human potential movement e.g. Idenics,
NLP, TA etc...
He told me that he did not believe in those techs. For him only homeopahty could solve emotional and charater problems.

Unfortunately, he died in December 95 at the tender age of 72.
